Category: Block Editor

  • AI Crash Course for WordPress Users

    Every day there’s more news about how AI is taking over the world and taking jobs in all sorts of industries with it. However, in the WordPress world, there’s a lot that AI can help you do if you work with it and integrate it into your daily workflow. In this talk, we’ll look at…

  • Custom Block Development… Using Other Blocks

    Learn how to build a custom block- using only other core blocks. Why? WordPress core already offers blocks for most common HTML elements- paragraphs, headings, images, divs, and more. Instead of starting from scratch on your next custom block, consider building it using the “InnerBlocks” feature to save time and offer a better user experience.…

  • What is the Interactivity API and Why Do I Care?

    Your typical Gutenberg block doesn’t do much once it’s been displayed within a post or page. Even if you use dynamic rendering to present the block, whatever ends up on the page visitor’s screen won’t really _do_ much, at least not without forcing a page reload. But here’s the thing: The same React-like approach that…

  • Future Proof WordPress Planning with FSE & AI

    With the introduction of the Block Editor (Project Gutenberg) and Full Site Editing, the potential for your website design seems limitless. Add in a mix of AI, and it feels like you have superpowers. Alas, it’s not that easy. Competition will accelerate, and well-planned websites that serve both customers & LLMs that power AI will…