Category: AI

  • AI Crash Course for WordPress Users

    Every day there’s more news about how AI is taking over the world and taking jobs in all sorts of industries with it. However, in the WordPress world, there’s a lot that AI can help you do if you work with it and integrate it into your daily workflow. In this talk, we’ll look at…

  • Using AI to Speed up your WordPress Builds

    We’ll take a look at multiple ways to use ChatGPT and BARD to speed up your WordPress builds, from using it to give you content that looks better than “Lorem Ipsum” to helping you with your CSS and coding. Then we’ll take a look at AI generated images, and how to structure prompts to get…

  • Future Proof WordPress Planning with FSE & AI

    With the introduction of the Block Editor (Project Gutenberg) and Full Site Editing, the potential for your website design seems limitless. Add in a mix of AI, and it feels like you have superpowers. Alas, it’s not that easy. Competition will accelerate, and well-planned websites that serve both customers & LLMs that power AI will…