Michael Hunter

Michael Hunter

On his 21st birthday, he started a marketing company out of his dorm room in college – creating WordPress websites & social media strategies for small businesses.

For the past 5 years, he’s exclusively worked with thought-leaders, influencers, authors and speakers – and climbed to the pinnacle of that industry. He’s worked with some of the biggest personal brands in the world including Brendon Burchard, Larry King, Harvey Mackay, and Jim Kwik to name a few.

Today, Michael is focused on building software and educational tools to help people increase their income, and make a bigger impact in the world.

Over the past 3 years, Michael and his business partner Jeremy Abraham have built a software company called Spiffy, that has helped influencers, and small business owners collect over $200M in sales.

Michael is passionate about helping people share their knowledge with the world, and create a business around their expertise.

He is the founder of PersonalBrand.com, an education and branding firm that helps people increase their income and impact by developing a strong personal brand.
