Lightning: Community

90 Days: Finding Your Place in the WordPress Community

A great opening to a WordCamp, this is a tale of overcoming, revisiting dormant passions, inspiration, and motivating others through giving back to Community.

After years of general fatigue, a myriad of tests without an answer, a catheter was inserted through my hip eventually winding its way to my heart, discovering two blocked arteries. After successfully re-opening them, I set out on difficult cardio-rehabilitation to regain heart fitness. During the next three months (including a leave of absence from work), Joe set out to restore my physical, spiritual and emotional well being. This speech details a 3-month journey of rediscovery the things that nourish and nurture each of these three areas — a thirst for learning, unearthing my dormant creativity and all things WordPress.

He set out to become more mindful of the things that bring me positive energy including truly engaging in the Community — 4 WordCamps, 16+ WordPress Meetups, and Events, designed a Wapuu, and a website build/brand to give back. From Castaic north to Palmdale (northernmost Los Angeles County), east to Riverside and all ports of call in-between (Pasadena, Whittier, Hollywood, Downtown Los Angeles) learn what makes good clubs while finding a network of common minds and colorful characters and gain inspiration to start the WordPress Santa Clarita Valley Meetup, over 8,000 Miles later.

In this presentation, you’ll learn:

What are the benefits of attending WordCamp?
Why join a WordPress Slack Channel?
Why volunteer to help at a WordCamp (experience being on both sides of the table)?
What is a WordPress Meetup?
What are the ‘five rules’ of hosting a WP Meetup?
How to get started? From visiting your local WordPress Meetup to even starting your own.
How to harness the energy from attending a WordCamp in your WP Meetups?
What are the benefits of attending a WordPress Meetup?
What is
What are my favorite WordPress podcasts?
Who are the faces of WordPress Community?
Learning resources – Codex, videos and more.
Why would I do something so crazy (deal with LA traffic)?
My takeaways or goals (get better at WordPress, start a local Meetup, etc)

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Imposter Syndrome

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Succeeding as an Introvert

It can be challenging to be an introvert in a world built for extroverts. A lot of introverts have been told at some point in their career to “be more extroverted”, as though introversion is bad — but it’s not bad, and being an extrovert is certainly not required for success.

Ever wondered how the dopamine pathways in your brain affect how and when you’re able to focus? Probably not, but science can tell us a lot about how our brains work and we can learn to leverage that information to help us succeed.

Aaron will take both a scientific and experiential look at introversion and extroversion, how they differ, how to tell where on the scale you are, and what advantages each has in today’s workplace. He’ll walk through his own journey of learning to leverage the strengths of his introversion and share what he does to help him navigate the parts of life and his career that are harder for him as an introvert.

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WordCamp Crazy: Leveraging WordPress for World Peace

The combination of WordPress and WordCamps spreading throughout the world has created a global network of friendship. These relationships form bonds that are deeper than nationalism, and could someday advance World Peace.

This talk will use a case study of WordCamp Crazy, a group of Indian, Pakistani, and Bangladeshi WordCampers who’ve formed a bond of friendship despite the fact that their countries have been at war. Their story of learning and compassion could change the world.