Track: Fast Break

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  • Break

  • Building Custom Blocks. No JS Required!

    The Gutenberg editor in WordPress is an absolute game changer. For users, it provides them an easy way to build out the content on their site in new and exciting ways. And, for developers, it’s a powerful tool that can be used to provide clients custom blocks to match their every need. I don’t know about…

  • The Art of the WordPress Pitch: Relationships and Sales

    Clients don’t know what they don’t know. What web solutions are right for them? How does WordPress come into the picture? Have you left out something vital? All these questions and more will be explored as we talk about matching clients’ needs with what your agency offers without pulling teeth or pulling your hair out.…

  • Passwords are Broken: Passkeys Are Coming to Save Us

    Every day we learn about a new data breach that has exposed our private personal information, including usernames and passwords, to malicious attackers. As more and more breaches happen, including the breach that happened at LastPass last August, it is becoming increasingly evident that using the traditional username/password combo isn’t working. With less than 30%…

  • Becoming a Better Developer

    WordPress is an awesome platform with a vibrant community of developers and a huge market share. Even though WordPress developers are a dime a dozen, it can still be difficult to find developers who really know their craft. Don’t be “just another WordPress developer”. Learn how to create a roadmap for growth, hone your craft,…

  • Securing Your WordPress Website: Best practices and Tips for Beginners

    Being a security enthusiast I always care about online security. I started to explore WordPress a year ago and was impressed with its ability and potential. It has got everything for an individual, business or organization to have their internet presence through own website. In fact, I created my own bio page using WordPress. After…

  • Becoming a WordPress Developer

    Starting in WordPress is addicting. So many people get stuck in the midst of wanting to go from customer service or design and want to get deeper into development. I will share my experience going from customer service to designer to developer to team lead. This will include resources I found helpful, bad mindsets I…

  • One single reason why your Core Web Vitals are not passing

    The problem with website performance is that it depends on loads of factors.It can be that your server resources are not enough for the website’s needs.Or enough, but not configured properly.It can be media on your website loading at the wrong time, or in the wrong size, or in the wrong format.It can be an…

  • How to Scale WordPress/WooCommerce

    Many things come together to speed up a website. Some people still use PHP 7 or no object cache at all. This talk will give you insights into how big sites do their scaling and what you need to know to improve the performance of your site yourself or what questions you need to ask…

WordCamp Phoenix 2023 is over. Check out the next edition!