Track: Full Court
It’s About Time
If you are a WordPress freelancer who struggles to manage your time, this presentation will help you develop a comprehensive time management system and put you in charge of your workdays. Improving your time management can free up space for more work and revenue. It could also give you more time to spend outside work…
The Block Editor and Full Site Editing Crash Course for Freelancers and Agencies
Full Site Editing and the new block-based tools are beginning to significantly impact how freelancers and agencies build websites for clients, and will only continue to do so in the next few years. But much of the information on Gutenberg mainly speaks to those releasing themes to the general public, instead of addressing concerns of…
Your WooCommerce Starting Five
Ecommerce is here to stay and there’s no better WordPress commerce extension than WooCommerce. But opening a new shop online can leave you wondering where to start! The WooCommerce starting five will set you up with everything you need to get started with an online store using WordPress. Queue the 90s Chicago Bulls intro music,…
The Essential Tools to Effectively Manage Website Projects (and clients)
Each stage of a website design and development project has its own unique challenges. At Motion Tactic, we’ve spent years trying different tools and platforms to help us organize complex client projects through the design and dev process. In this talk, I’ll give you an inside look into the tools that we use to collaborate…