Emanuel Costa

Emanuel Costa

I am a professional web developer, SEO/SEM specialist, eCommerce consultant and web entrepreneur, with over 22 years experience in web development. When I did my first web page there was only 250 sites in the world. I was luck to be an intern at the computer lab while I was doing the Civil Engineer course. At that time the Internet came to Brazil first at the Universities, and I was able to start to learn everything related to internet and web development. After I graduated, I started working as Civil Engineer and on my spare time was doing simple websites for companies in Fortaleza, Brazil. Two years later, I went to the United States and accepted an offer to work for a dotcom. The year was 1999 and then I lived in South Florida for 8 years. I’ve lived in New York and Washington, D.C, while working as senior web developer consultant for Inter-american Development Bank. I relocated to Las Vegas in 2015 to expand my business to the US West region. I’ve been working professionally with WordPress for the past 5 years. I contribute as much as I can, at WordPress.tv, translating WP, organizing meetups and volunteering at WordCamps.


WordCamp Phoenix 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!