Meet Our Master Builders: Bluehost



For WordCamp Phoenix to snap into place, it takes a strong foundation built by master builders. The generous support of our sponsors helps make WordCamp Phoenix possible and affordable. We’re immensely grateful for Bluehost’s support, and we’d love to tell you a little about what they do.

Bluehost is one of the largest, most dependable web hosts on the web, powering over two million websites globally.

They’re a strong supporter of the WordPress Community, sponsoring full-time WordPress Core contributors since 2005, working closely with the Core team, supporting WordCamps like ours and they’ve optimized their hosting to be ideal for WordPress and its’ users.

Bluehost offers a number of scalable options for WordPress, including shared, fully-managed, VPS and dedicated hosting solutions, each with 24/7 support, ample storage and bandwidth and their famous money-back guarantee.

Learn more about Bluehost.

Announcing WordCamp Phoenix Saturday Lunch Offerings



WC_FoodTruckIncluded with all WordCamp Phoenix ticket’s is lunch on Saturday!

We’re shutting down a block of Monroe St. in Downtown Phoenix between 2nd and 3rd streets, filling it with tables and chairs, and bringing in four awesome food trucks from the Phoenix area!

We’ll have What’s Fresh?, The Panini People, Boomer’s Gourmet Cheese Steaks and Sandwiches and Pho King serving up a variety of offerings (including to gluten-free, vegetarian/vegan options) to help you fuel-up before our Keynote presentation.

Location for Saturday’s Lunch.

We’re excited to see you!

WordCamp Phoenix 2016 is over. Check out the next edition!