Mary Baum

A degreed designer, certified typography nut and veteran creative director, Mary Baum had already spent 15 years practicing a wide assortment of creative disciplines before there ever was this thing called the internet.

Her clients have included companies as big as GM and Chrysler and as small as one-person consulting firms – even a guy who cut her hair! But she’s scored her biggest wins for midsize companies in business-to-business, finance and technology.

Mary started building sites in 1998, at first using Adobe GoLive (Oy, vey.)

But when Adobe pulled that product in favor of Dreamweaver, she took it as a sign and learned proper markup – at the tender age of 47.

Now she runs a 100% WordPress shop, mostly on Genesis. She messes with the php to get the looks and functionality her clients need, and de-stresses with CSS and Photoshop.

Away from the computer, Mary plays competitive tennis – she and husband Dick Moomaw, an aerospace engineer, moved to Palmdale/Lancaster, CA in November from St. Louis, MO for one to two years. They look forward to exploring the region, meeting up with Western friends and family and – they hope – getting some sunshine.