Cliff Seal

“I’ve been in WordPress every working day for at least the last four years. I’m a UX Designer at Pardot in Atlanta, but I’ve already built three plugins during my tenure there (and more to come). Pardot loves giving back in Open Source, and we use WordPress for several projects. Personally, I’ve been designing and developing WordPress sites for years, and end up preaching the ‘WordPress can do anything’ gospel more often than I ever thought possible. I do my work under Logos Creative, and have been working on projects like

I live in Atlanta with my wife, April, where we do young urbanite-y things.”

About Carol Stambaugh

A small business owner, WordPress Evangelist, WordCamp Addict, Serial Volunteer and busy mother of 2. Additional titles include "swim mom", "basketball mom", "baseball mom", and even "AZ WordPress mom".
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